Headaches and Migraines

Types of Headache Pain

  • The most common type of headache is called a tension headache. It causes a band of pain around the top and both sides of the head and neck. They result from tightening of the head, neck, and facial muscles.
  • Inflammatory headaches are due to inflammation or swelling.
  • Traction headaches are caused when pain-sensitive parts of the head, neck, or face are pulled, stretched, or displaced. The incident that caused the displacement, like whiplash or an eye-strain, may not be significant enough to remember.
  • Vascular headache pain, also known as a migraine or cluster headache, causes severe pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, dizziness, and vision impairment.

Causes of Head Pain

Head, Neck, or Body Trauma

Sports injuries, accidents, or a simple bump on the head could affect the force balances within your mouth. These incidents could have happened yesterday or many years ago. The trauma could potentially stretch or tear ligaments causing dental imbalances and head pain.

Dental Treatments

Aged restorative material, poor adaptation to dental work, wisdom tooth extraction, and other dental treatments can also cause headache symptoms.


Increased stress, lack of exercise, and poor diet can result in many headache pain symptoms. Poor posture due to excessive sitting may also lead to headaches.

Age and Wear

As the body ages, so does your bite. Since teeth and the components of dental restorations (both metal and composite) age at different rates, changes in your bite over time can cause improper teeth alignment and disrupt the force balance.

If you have experienced any of the causes listed above and have head pain, contact our office today for a painless evaluation and examination